What we do
The objective of GREENSMARTMED is to integrate and upgrade the methodologies developed in the Interreg EuroMED GREENOMED and FinMED projects and, leveraging the GREEN GROWTH Community, to develop, test, and make transferable the new integrated methodology and related toolkit.
The GREENSMARTMED methodology and toolkit aim at enhancing transregional cooperation among the quadruple helix stakeholders in the 5 Regions involved (Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Bulgaria) to create a European community able to uptake innovations for a green and resilient manufacturing, contributing to Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) implementation, and helping SMEs to turn sustainability challenges into opportunities and establish sustainable business development opportunities.
Testing the GREENSMARTMED methodology and toolkit in Regions with various economic development levels will allow the development of a widely transferable methodology in Europe.

Based on RIS3 of the involved countries, the target sectors are:
- Machinery
- Textile
- Plastics
- Agri-food
- Mobility & batteries
The focus will be on solutions, technology transfer, and business practices addressing sustainable materials/chemicals, energy&resources optimization, and emission reduction.
Capitalized PROJECTS
GREENSMARTMED project builds on the previous horizontal project experience and expertise of the Green Growth Community by:
- Exploiting the ‘community approach’ developed and aquired during its implementation, also in collaboration with GREENOMED and finMED capitalization activities.
- Applying its experience in knowledge and data collection and in tools implementation for a catalogue of knowledge, a policy reflection papers offering a consistent approach and functional material to the project stakeholders.
Capitalizing the Green Growth Platform experience as an effective model for developing a 4HSs cooperation approach, to allow the adoption of the project results, lessons learnt, and best practices in the MED Area.
GREENOMED project is one of the two fundamental pillars of GREENSMARTMED project.
The methodology phases and tools that have been successfully developed in this project work as starting point of the GREENSMARTMED methodology and toolkit.
GREENOMED methodology has been conceived in the frame of the “VANGUARD Initiative – New Growth Through Smart Specialization” and has proven to be effective in defining and establishing regional working groups focused on Regional key topics (i.e., RIS3).
These methodology and tools will be upgraded to adapt to the European manufacturing industry new economic challenges and will be integrated mainly the finMED methodology and tools to achieve a higher participation of SMEs in cooperation initiatives.
finMED project is another fundamental pillar of GREENSMARTMED project.
The project aimed to boost the financing of innovation in green growth sectors through improved delivery of policies and strategies and the introduction of innovative cluster services.
Its methodology phases and tools will be integrated with the GREENOMED ones, as starting point of the GREENSMARTMED methodology and toolkit.
In particular, the results of finMED will be upgraded for the assessment of R&I capabilities of SMEs to understand if they have the organisational structure and the financial capability to deal with the cooperation projects and, if it is not the case, to identify which financial instruments best fit the specific SME’s context to provide the basis for taking part to transregional initiatives.