Next 21st of November in Florence, Italy, the GREENSMARTMED project partner CUEIM will attend the Euro-MED Italian Forum to meet the other Italian organizations involved in the Euro-MED 21-27 Programming period and enter the national Euro-MED network, by sharing ideas, needs and common challenges.
The event is organized by the Tuscany Region, the Italian National Contact Point of the Interreg Euro-MED 21-27 Programme, and will focus on thematic projects partners, regional authorities and other relevant stakeholders involved in the Programme.
The GREENSMARTMED partner will have the occasion to get in touch with other Italian realities involved in various ways in Euro-MED Progamme, to better connect with other thematic and the Governance projects, as well as to interact with them during the co-working activities planned during the day, to exchange the good practices and experience gained during the first period of the project implementation.
For more information about the event and to register: Forum Euro-MED Italia, 21 Novembre 2024 – Interreg Euro-MED – NCP Italy
Find here the agenda of the event.