
  • Industrial Transition
  • Innovative and Sustainable Economy
  • Regional event

GREENSMARTMED at the workshop on Bioeconomy in Western Macedonia


On next Friday, 28th March, the project partner CERTH – Centre for Research and Technology Hellas will present the GREENSMARTMED project at a key event organized by the Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia – CLuBE in collaboration with the RIS3 Supporting Structure of Western MacedoniaThe event will take place in Kozani, at the premises of the other Greek project partner, RDF – Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia, in the context of BIOMODEL4REGIONS project.

The BIOMODEL4REGIONS project aims to support the establishment of the innovative governance models at local/regional level to achieve better informed decision-making processes, social engagement and innovation to support and strengthen EU and international science-policy interfaces to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The workshop, designed to foster regional bioeconomy development, will focus on advancing local bioeconomy strategies, with a series of presentations showcasing innovative projects in the sector.

The GREENSMARTMED project will be introduced by CERTH’s team by covering its structure, objectives, and principles, with a special focus on the creation and implementation of regional core groups.

The event aims to spark collaboration between local businesses and stakeholders, positioning them for future opportunities in the bioeconomy sector, and will include a Q&A and Discussion sessions. Additionally, as organized in cooperation with RIS3 Supporting Structure of Western Macedonia, it will also serve as a precursor to the region’s Business Discovery for Bioeconomy initiative.

For more information about the event, find here the Agenda.