
  • Industrial Transition
  • Project
  • Regional event

Open Lecture at UNIBG: Digital product passport in the textile-fashion sector


On next 4th of April, the GREENSMARTMED Lead Partner University of Bergamo will held the open lesson “Digital product passport in the field of texile – fashion. Current Scenario and future perspectives“. The event will be held in Italian at the University of Bergamo venues, in Bergamo, Italy. 

The event will see the participation of relevant referents from the industrial and academic worlds focusend on texile sector. Namely, the lesson, in the framework of the Master in Supply Chain Technologies and Processes of the University if Bergamo, will aim at disseminating the knowledge about the GREENSMARTMED project and it is a preparatory phase for the Regional Workshops in the textile industry, one of the S3 industries for the Lombardy Region.
During the event, the topic of Digital Product Passport will be discussed, as this is one of the normative changes that will strongly affect the textile industry.

From 14.00 to 15.30, the event will be preceded by a series of project work presentations on sustainability challenges in the textile sector open to interested parties.


Stefano Dotti and Albachiara Boffelli, University of Bergamo
Mauro Sampellegrini, Confindustria Moda
Moderator: Beatrice Colombo, University of Bergamo
•  Alex Albini, Sustainable brand platform
•  Marco Felli, Gruppo Tessili e Moda di Confindustria Bergamo and FelliColor Spa
•  Riccardo Parrini, Textile Solutions Group
•  Ivan Riva, Textile Solutions Group
•  Mauro Sampellegrini, Confindustria Moda
•  Matteo Viganò, Textile Solutions Group

For more information, check the event Agenda.